November 11-12, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah
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Monday, November 11

10:30am MST

Workshop: Implementing a Wasm Native Database API with Couchbase - Laurent Doguin, Couchbase & Victor Adossi, Cosmonic
Monday November 11, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am MST
In this talk, we will explore the journey of integrating WebAssembly(WASM) support for a database, specifically Couchbase. Aimed at WASM enthusiasts and developers, this session delves into the design, implementation, and performance considerations of adding WASM Interface Types (WIT) to support data operations, their parameters, errors and return types. We will discuss the process of deciding on the right interface design, implementing providers for CNCF wasmCloud, and ensuring optimal performance for data operations. Our implementation features three key interfaces: WASI-Keyvalue, Couchbase Subdoc, and Couchbase Query. We will share insights on the challenges and solutions encountered during this integration, along with best practices for demonstrating and testing these capabilities. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage WASM to manage databases in a serverless environment, transforming how data is managed and accessed.
avatar for Victor Adossi

Victor Adossi

Backend Engineer, Cosmonic
Talk to me about Rust, WebAssembly, and building microscalers.
avatar for Laurent Doguin

Laurent Doguin

Director DevRel, Couchbase
Laurent is a nerdy metal head who lives in Paris. He mostly writes code in Java and structured text in AsciiDoc, and often talks about data, reactive programming and other buzzwordy stuff. He is also a former DevRel practitioner for Clever Cloud and Nuxeo where he devoted his time... Read More →
Monday November 11, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Ballroom 1

4:30pm MST

Wasi-Webgpu: Build Beautiful Grahpics and Safely Run AI with Any GPU - Sean Isom & Mendy Berger, Renderlet
Monday November 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
WebAssembly is revolutionizing the way we build modern applications, providing near-native performance and cross-platform capabilities. However, accessing GPU resources for rendering graphics or performing compute operations has been challenging for Wasm applications, especially outside of the browser. Enter wasi-webgpu, a Phase 1 WASI proposal that bridges this gap by exposing the WebGPU API to Wasm guest code through the Component Model. With wasi-webgpu, any Wasm application can leverage the power of any GPU to render stunning 2D and 3D graphics and execute advanced AI algorithms. This talk will explore the design and capabilities of wasi-webgpu, demonstrating how it empowers developers to build high-performance applications that seamlessly integrate GPU functionality. We'll cover: * What is wasi-webgpu and why you should care * Runtime architecture and compatibility with the WebGPU spec * Examples: (time permitting) * Rendering 2D & 3D graphics * GPU-accelerated AI
avatar for Mendy Berger

Mendy Berger

Software Engineer, Renderlet
Mendy Berger is a co-champion of the wasi-webgpu proposal, and the author browser.wit.
avatar for Sean Isom

Sean Isom

CEO, renderlet
Sean is the founder of renderlet, an early-stage startup building developer tools for graphics based on WebAssembly. Formerly, Sean was a Sr. Engineering Manager at Adobe, and he spends too much time writing C++ for fun.
Monday November 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Ballroom 1
Tuesday, November 12

1:30pm MST

Exploring C# Wasm Components - James Sturtevant, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 2:05pm MST
In this talk we will use C# to build Wasm components that can interact with components written in other languages. You will learn how to build Wasm components using standard .NET tooling, use wit-bindgen to generate component bindings and then integrate them with other Wasm components. Along the way you will learn about WebAssembly Interface Type (WIT) files and touch upon how the Wasm ABI works. Finally, we will show off the future projects we have planned that will make building Wasm in .NET a seamless experience and share where you can get involved!
avatar for James Sturtevant

James Sturtevant

Software developer, Microsoft
James Sturtevant is enthusiastic about creating technology in the cloud native ecosystem. He is a maintainer of the containerd runwasi project, contributes to Kubernetes as a sig-windows tech lead, and is a Recognized Contributor to the ByteCode Alliance. At Microsoft, James works... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 2:05pm MST
Ballroom 2
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