November 11-12, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah
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strong>Wasm Ecosystem [clear filter]
Monday, November 11

3:45pm MST

Panel Discussion: Safety-Critical Meets Web-Native: Wasm Revolutionizes Embedded Systems - Larry Carvalho, RobustCloud LLC; Emily Ruppel, Robert Bosch LLC; Chris Woods, Siemens; Dan Mihai Dumitriu, Midokura Japan; Stephen Berard, Atym
Monday November 11, 2024 3:45pm - 4:20pm MST
The burgeoning realm of embedded systems, particularly those that are safety-critical and constitute integral components of cyber-physical systems, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for the WebAssembly (Wasm) community and runtime projects. As industries like automotive, industrial automation, and consumer electronics, represented by giants such as Bosch, Siemens, and Sony, increasingly adopt and integrate Wasm into their ecosystems, it becomes imperative to address the nuanced requirements of these domains. This panel discussion will explore Wasm's role in advancing innovation, security, and reliability in these fields. Key discussion points will include safety and reliability, resource constraints, real-time performance, security, and standards-based interoperability. Innovative use cases will showcase cutting-edge applications of Wasm in embedded and cyber-physical systems, highlighting collaborative efforts between industry leaders like Bosch, Siemens, and Sony.
avatar for Larry Carvalho

Larry Carvalho

Principal Consultant, RobustCloud LLC
Larry Carvalho of RobustCloud LLC provides strategy and insight into the adaption of Edge and Cloud Computing technologies. He provides advisory services and works closely with customers and vendors to help all parts of the ecosystem understand cloud computing, map business goals... Read More →
avatar for Chris Woods

Chris Woods

Senior Key Expert, Siemens
Chris Woods has been involved in software development for nearly 25 years, working on everything from C# on Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure through to embedded C/C++ on mobile phones for Nokia. Today Chris is a Senior Key Expert focusing on runtimes and virtualization technology... Read More →
avatar for Emily Ruppel

Emily Ruppel

Research Scientist, Robert Bosch LLC
Emily Ruppel is a research scientist at Bosch RTC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She works at the intersection of embedded systems and programming languages and is generally interested in pushing Wasm into places it shouldn't necessarily go. Prior to joining Bosch, she earned her PhD... Read More →
avatar for Dan Mihai Dumitriu

Dan Mihai Dumitriu

Cto, Midokura
Dan Mihai Dumitriu is CTO of Midokura, a Sony Group company, leading an R&D team for advanced development of edge computing and AI technologies. He has deep technical insight into complex distributed systems, data center networks, and software architecture. Earlier in his career Dan... Read More →
avatar for Stephen Berard

Stephen Berard

CTO, Atym
Stephen Berard is CTO of Atym and a seasoned digital industry professional with over 20 years of software architecture, design, and implementation experience. Prior to Atym, Stephen was CTO at Momenta Ventures, where he provided strategic guidance to early-stage start-ups. His expertise... Read More →
Monday November 11, 2024 3:45pm - 4:20pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

4:30pm MST

Wasi-Webgpu: Build Beautiful Grahpics and Safely Run AI with Any GPU - Sean Isom & Mendy Berger, Renderlet
Monday November 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
WebAssembly is revolutionizing the way we build modern applications, providing near-native performance and cross-platform capabilities. However, accessing GPU resources for rendering graphics or performing compute operations has been challenging for Wasm applications, especially outside of the browser. Enter wasi-webgpu, a Phase 1 WASI proposal that bridges this gap by exposing the WebGPU API to Wasm guest code through the Component Model. With wasi-webgpu, any Wasm application can leverage the power of any GPU to render stunning 2D and 3D graphics and execute advanced AI algorithms. This talk will explore the design and capabilities of wasi-webgpu, demonstrating how it empowers developers to build high-performance applications that seamlessly integrate GPU functionality. We'll cover: * What is wasi-webgpu and why you should care * Runtime architecture and compatibility with the WebGPU spec * Examples: (time permitting) * Rendering 2D & 3D graphics * GPU-accelerated AI
avatar for Mendy Berger

Mendy Berger

Software Engineer, Renderlet
Mendy Berger is a co-champion of the wasi-webgpu proposal, and the author browser.wit.
avatar for Sean Isom

Sean Isom

CEO, renderlet
Sean is the founder of renderlet, an early-stage startup building developer tools for graphics based on WebAssembly. Formerly, Sean was a Sr. Engineering Manager at Adobe, and he spends too much time writing C++ for fun.
Monday November 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Ballroom 1
Tuesday, November 12

11:00am MST

Panel Discussion: Playing Safely in the Sandbox ― Keeping WebAssembly Secure - Ram Iyengar, Cloud Foundry Foundation; Ralph Squillace, Microsoft Corporation; Luke Wagner, Fastly; Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
WASM (WebAssembly) is rapidly gaining traction, but a comprehensive understanding of its security landscape remains fragmented. This panel discussion aims to bring together WASM experts and security enthusiasts to address this gap. This discussion will provide a valuable starting point for developers building secure WASM applications. It will also benefit WASM users by raising their awareness of potential security concerns. The discussion is expected to span the following major areas: Built-in WASM security features and limitations Security tools available for the WASM ecosystem Potential attack vectors and mitigation strategies Best practices for secure WASM development
avatar for Ralph Squillace

Ralph Squillace

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft
Professionally trained in history; don't tell him, because he's professionally suffered in distributed applications for the past 20 years or so. A veteran of OSS wars inside the megacorp, he's thrived as the world changed. He runs Ubuntu at work, except for those times when he does... Read More →
avatar for Bailey Hayes

Bailey Hayes

CTO, Cosmonic
Bailey Hayes is the CTO at Cosmonic. She believes the future is in distributed systems and WebAssembly (Wasm). She wears many hats in the open source ecosystem from standards to implementations as the W3C WebAssembly WASI Subgroup co-chair, Bytecode Alliance TSC Director, and maintainer... Read More →
avatar for Ram Iyengar

Ram Iyengar

Chief Evangelist, Cloud Foundry Foundation
Ram Iyengar is an engineer by practice and an educator at heart. He was (cf) pushed into technology evangelism along his journey as a developer and hasn’t looked back since! He enjoys helping engineering teams around the world discover new and creative ways to work. He is a proponent... Read More →
avatar for Luke Wagner

Luke Wagner

Distinguished Engineer, Fastly
Luke Wagner is a Distinguished Engineer at Fastly, working on WebAssembly standards and evolution. Before joining Fastly, Luke worked for more than a decade at Mozilla on Firefox, the JavaScript engine, performance, security and Web standards. During this time, Luke co-created WebAssembly... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

11:45am MST

Whamm! A WebAssembly Bytecode Instrumentation DSL - Elizabeth Gilbert, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 12:20pm MST
Debugging and profiling programs is done through instrumenting the program-under-observation (inserting instructions to monitor dynamic execution). The most-common techniques inject instructions directly into the program. While this enables tools to support any domain, it intrudes on the program state space, complicates the implementation, limits the scope of observation, and cannot dynamically adapt. These issues can be remedied by interfacing with an engine, like Wizard, with instrumentation support. A recent ASPLOS paper demonstrated how to build support that protects the application, provides consistency guarantees, applies JIT optimizations, and more. However, this technique limits a tool's scope to programs that can run on such engines. This talk presents the design of a new instrumentation DSL for Wasm that abstracts above the injection technique enabling tooling to support a wide domain of applications while leveraging runtime capabilities as-available without reimplementation.
avatar for Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert

PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
I am a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University with research interests in developer tooling and distributed systems. WebAssembly provides a compelling domain as it is a common, language-independent executable format upon which many new distributed application platforms are being... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 12:20pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

1:30pm MST

wRPC: Distributed Components, No Assembly Required - Roman Volosatovs & Taylor Thomas, Cosmonic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 2:05pm MST
One of the most beloved features of the component model is extensibility. As the WebAssembly ecosystem continues to grow, the WebAssembly community will need extensibility beyond component composition to build everything from plugins to fully distributed microservices and everything in between. This is where wRPC (WIT-RPC), a WebAssembly component-native, transport-agnostic RPC protocol and framework comes in. wRPC facilitates WIT (WebAssembly Interface Type) defined composition over network, IPC, or other means of communication. What this means is every WebAssembly component can be used with wRPC out-of-the-box using your execution model of choice. This talk will discuss why wRPC exists, the design behind it, and how you can integrate it with your WebAssembly runtimes and platforms. Through many diagrams and demos, you’ll learn why wRPC is important and how it can be used to create reusable, language-agnostic plugins and distributed component communication.
avatar for Taylor Thomas

Taylor Thomas

Engineering Director, Cosmonic
Taylor Thomas is an Engineering Director working on WebAssembly platforms at Cosmonic. He actively participates in the open source community and is one of the creators of Krustlet and Bindle. He is a CNCF Ambassador and a regular speaker at various open source conferences and meetups... Read More →
avatar for Roman Volosatovs

Roman Volosatovs

Principal Software Engineer, Cosmonic
Roman is a software engineer passionate about WebAssembly. He has extensive experience in building large-scale distributed, secure and performant LPWAN networks and is currently bringing his expertise to Cosmonic as Principal Software Engineer. In his spare time Roman contributes... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 2:05pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

2:15pm MST

Do More in the Browser with Wasm Components - Calvin Prewitt, JAF Labs & Mendy Berger, Renderlet
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:15pm - 2:50pm MST
With the Web IDL now available as a Wit package, any programming language can leverage browser APIs, just like JavaScript. Our speakers explain how this works and showcase the exciting possibilities it opens up. Using WASI implementations built for the browser, components running in a Service Worker can intercept outbound HTTP requests, responding in the place of the server. Opening up interesting offline as well as local-first applications.
avatar for Mendy Berger

Mendy Berger

Software Engineer, Renderlet
Mendy Berger is a co-champion of the wasi-webgpu proposal, and the author browser.wit.
avatar for Calvin Prewitt

Calvin Prewitt

CEO, JAF Labs, JAF Labs
Creator of wa.dev, a WebAssembly component registry service. Co-chair of the Bytecode Alliance's SIG Packaging group and co-chair of the JavaScript subgroup (SIG Guest Languages).
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:15pm - 2:50pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

3:30pm MST

Contain Yourself: Wasm and the OCI Spec - Taylor Thomas, Cosmonic & James Sturtevant, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:30pm - 4:05pm MST
Sure, we all love Wasm, but how are you actually supposed to deploy and consume it? The OCI Artifact guidance provides a standardized way to build and distribute content of all shapes and sizes. In this session, we’ll introduce you to the Wasm OCI Artifact specification and how you can use it to distribute, discover, and consume Wasm components just like other cloud native artifacts – all while using your existing tooling and controls. In this talk we’ll break down how to package and use Wasm as OCI artifacts, complete with live demos. We’ll show how you can use common tooling to pull the same Wasm component from a registry and run it seamlessly across runtimes such as runwasi and wasmCloud. Plus, we’ll demonstrate how these components fit neatly into dependency management. Join us for a session packed with insights, live demos, and a dash (or two) of humor, as we explore the future of Wasm with the OCI spec.
avatar for James Sturtevant

James Sturtevant

Software developer, Microsoft
James Sturtevant is enthusiastic about creating technology in the cloud native ecosystem. He is a maintainer of the containerd runwasi project, contributes to Kubernetes as a sig-windows tech lead, and is a Recognized Contributor to the ByteCode Alliance. At Microsoft, James works... Read More →
avatar for Taylor Thomas

Taylor Thomas

Engineering Director, Cosmonic
Taylor Thomas is an Engineering Director working on WebAssembly platforms at Cosmonic. He actively participates in the open source community and is one of the creators of Krustlet and Bindle. He is a CNCF Ambassador and a regular speaker at various open source conferences and meetups... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:30pm - 4:05pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem

4:15pm MST

WebAssembly for IoT Devices: Interfacing with USB and I2C Hardware - Merlijn Sebrechts & Michiel Van Kenhove, Imec and Ghent University
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:15pm - 4:50pm MST
WebAssembly offers a lot of advantages for IoT and embedded development: developers can use modern toolchains, diverse programming languages and sandboxing technology on truly tiny devices like ESP32 microcontrollers. Support for these use-cases is improving with the newly formed Embedded SIG and new interfaces for connecting WebAssembly applications to underlying hardware via USB and I2C. This talk explains how WebAssembly improves embedded development and shows how to control connected USB and I2C devices from WebAssembly. It covers the WASI-USB and WASI-I2C proposals and explains how to embed a device driver in WebAssembly. The session also takes a look at the overhead of these interfaces and embedded WebAssembly in general. The session closes with a peek into the future.
avatar for Michiel Van Kenhove

Michiel Van Kenhove

PhD Student & Teaching Assistant, Imec and Ghent University
avatar for Merlijn Sebrechts

Merlijn Sebrechts

Senior Researcher & Lecturer, Imec and Ghent University
Dr. Merlijn Sebrechts is a senior researcher at imec, helping companies streamline how they deliver software to the cloud and on devices. He also teaches at Ghent University on topics such as Systems Design, Open Source and Cybersecurity. He has extensive experience in open source... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:15pm - 4:50pm MST
Ballroom 1
  Wasm Ecosystem
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